Local. Fresh. Sustainable

Whether it’s food or flowers, choosing local is the way to go!

Local food and flowers are fresher, minimize environmental impacts, and help to support the local economy.

Supporting local is a win for you, the environment, and your community!

When you purchase from KR Farms, you know the story behind where your flowers and food come from, and it is one we are proud of. Our flowers and food are grown with great care using ecologically responsible practices that promote healthy soil, lucky customers and happy farmers. KR Farms is proud to provide sustainably grown, locally sourced food and flowers!


Did you know that more than 80% of flowers purchased in the United States are grown overseas, mostly in South America? Imported flowers can be over a week old before you get your hands on them. Where your flowers are grown and how far they travel before you get them impacts their freshness, scent, carbon footprint, and vase life.

When you buy flowers from KR Farms, much like buying local food, you know that they were harvested within the last day and can last upwards of two weeks. Our flowers are fresh, fragrant, and harvested at their peak for the longest vase life. When you buy our flowers, you are supporting your neighbor and your community.


Local food is better for you! It is fresher, tastes better, and lasts longer. The shorter the time between the farm and your table, the less likely your food is to lose nutrients. When you eat locally grown food, you are eating seasonally and have greater access to a variety of crops that provide the best flavors. Food grown locally through sustainable farming practices provides ecosystems where creatures and pollinators can thrive in habitats that contribute to soil preservation for seasons to come.

Thank you for choosing KR Farms!